St. Clement's maintains a Uniform Closet at the school where families can pick up any items you might need for your student. The Uniform Closet is available all year and takes donations of your old uniform pieces that are still in good condition.
New uniforms can be ordered from Student Styles in Latham, NY or contact:
To order uniforms, contact:
Student Styles
15 Cobbee Road
Latham, NY 12110
Dress Code for Girls K-5
Dress Uniform (K-2nd Grade)
Plaid jumper
White Peter Pan Dress Blouse (long or short-sleeve)
Optional- Navy Crew Cardigan with logo/navy dress pants
Dress Uniform (3rd-5th Grade)
Plaid Skirt or Skort
White Oxford Dress Shirt
Navy V-Neck Pullover, V-Neck Vest of Crew Cardigan all with logo
Optional - Navy Dress Pants
5th Grade Option - Light Blue Oxford Dress Shirt
Seasonal Uniforms (K-5th Grade) Fall & Spring
Navy Dress Shorts with black or brown belt or Plaid Skort or Solid Navy skort
Short Sleeve White Polo Shirt with logo
Physical Education Uniform (K-5th Grade)
Navy Blue Sweatpants
Short Sleeve White Polo Shirt with logo
White Athletic Socks
Optional - Navy Crew Sweatshirt with logo
**All girls uniforms (except gym) must be worn with navy or white tights, knee socks or ankle socks, and black or brown dress shoes.
Dress Code for Boys K-5
Dress Uniform (K-5th Grade)
Navy Dress Slacks with black or brown belt
White Oxford Dress Shirt (long or short-sleeve)
Navy V-Neck Pullover, V-Neck Vest or Crew Cardigan all with logo
Plaid Tie
K-1st Optional - Plaid Tie
5th Grade Optional - Light Blue Oxford Dress Shirt
Seasonal Uniforms (K-5th Grade) Fall & Spring
Navy Dress Shorts with black or brown belt
Short Sleeve White Polo Shirt with logo
Physical Education Uniform (K-5th Grade)
Navy Blue Sweatpants
Short Sleeve White Polo Shirt with logo
White Athletic Socks
Optional - Navy Crew Sweatshirt with logo
PreK/JrK Modified Uniform
Navy Dress Pants
Navy skort or shorts (girls may wear plaid jumpers, if desired)
Navy Sweatpants
Short or long-sleeve white polo shirt with logo
Navy sweater or sweatshirt with logo
Dress shoes or sneakers
Gym T-shirt to be worn with navy sweatpants for gym